
Laura 30/09/2024

Without much actual information about the real historical figure of Janko Kráľ, Minahane is compelled to rely on his imagination to fill in the gaps. In Minahane’s account, Kráľ is portrayed as a visionary and revolutionary, a soul tormented by the injustices of the world, a traveller who retreats to the wilderness in an attempt to escape the corruptions of society, only to return stronger than before, ready for the righteous fight against oppression.

Laura 22/12/2021

Slovak Poetry in English Book Translations is a thought-provoking book that raises many questions. One of them is the question of the reception of translations of Slovak poetry in the target culture: is there a real interest in our poetry in the English-speaking world? Is this interest growing? Is the choice of authors whose poems are translated a response to the demand of English and American readers, or does it arise from Slovak effort to promote ourselves abroad? Another thing that I noticed was the relatively small number of female poets compared to their male counterparts. Is this a reflection of the position of female writers in Slovak literature in general, or rather a decision on the part of translators?

admin 09/05/2021

More than at any time before it is obvious that poetry now finds itself in a paradoxical situation. While the number of poets and their work is generally recognized as a core of a cultural heritage, the number of readers has reached new minimum levels.